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Christopher Lehan
Educational Diagnostician
Support Services
Tena Humphries
Paraprofessional, ECSE at Wesley Preschool
Melody Temple
Secretary of the Office of Support Services
Support Services
Jessica Watson
Teacher, Division-Wide ESL
John Thomas, Jr.
Director of CTE & Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Instructional Services
Micah Sobczyk
School Psychologist
Support Services
Rebecca Perkins
Behavior Specialist
Support Services
Kayla Diaz
Spanish Interpreter & Translator
Support Services
Hannah Samuels
Payroll & Benefits Specialist
Finance & Budget
Valecia Talley
Personnel Specialist
Human Resources
Burke George
Director of Human Resources
Human Resources
(804) 524-3400
Kristin Acchione
Instructional Specialist (K-12 Science & Social Studies)
Instructional Services
Tanya Ross
Assistant Director of Finance & Budget
Finance & Budget
Melissa Kapinskis
Business Services Specialist (Accounts Payable)
Finance & Budget
Melissa Lynch
Director of Finance and Budget
Finance & Budget
Aaron Robertson
Director of Food Services
Food Services
Tiffany Brooks
Secretary of Food Services
Food Services
Sonya Lee
Instructional Specialist (Secondary Literacy)
Instructional Services
Mark Strickler
Secondary Testing & Master Schedule Coordinator
Instructional Services
Ellen Burnett
Instructional Specialist (Secondary Math)
Instructional Services